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A member registered Jan 24, 2022

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Anyone on mac know how to get the game to work? I tried both downloading the game through the website and installing it through the itchio app but it won't work :(

nvm i got it HAHAHHAHAAH

okok so i played the web version of the game and aAAAAAAA its so CUTE??????

but also i cant for the life of me get the 1st ending lmao

For some reason the game won't open? I'm on mac and it just tells me the application can't be opened :(

Verdant Skies community · Created a new topic 64-bit?

This game looks really cool but I'm not sure if it runs on my mac since steam doesn't label it as requiring a 64-bit processor. I was wondering if anyone knows if it runs or if there are plans to port the game to a 64-bit version?

i got the bad relationship ending on my first playthrough T-T

Has anyone been able to run the app on mac? 

Any plans to release this or SWWSDJ on mac? I have a windows emulator program but for whatever reason it won't let me open your games with it :(

played the old browser versions of both though and I absolutely love you boys <33